What's the deal about the wafer thing?

As a Roman Catholic, I believe in Transubstantiation. The bread becomes the Body of Christ as revealed to us in John 6.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Going Paleo at Boy Scout Camp

Grass fed and humanely butchered meat is the mantra for most Paleo eaters. I do agree that we need to redesign the slaughter houses, but I don't think Grok (named by Mark Sisson) would have cared about the Mastedon's feelings when he himself was about to become extinct. I know we live in a different world, but really folks? I love my chickens but they are about the stupidest bird alive. No wonder the dinosaurs are compared to them and believe the roots can be traced back.
Anyway, I am gearing up for a week at camp with 35 boys and 4 other adults under my charge. We have discussed nutrition with the boys (many of whom believe a strawberry pop-tart is considered fruit) and with their parents. It will be interesting to see how well that is lived.
After perusing the menu for the week, I will need to supplement a lot of alternatives for my eating. Being gluten free has some advantages and hopefully, I can pull rank to acquire shelf space in the kitchen's pantry and fridge.
The meat comes from questionable origins, but it is still protein and I won't deny myself that satisfaction.
And there is that slimmest of chance that I can convert one or two over to the greener pastures.

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