What's the deal about the wafer thing?

As a Roman Catholic, I believe in Transubstantiation. The bread becomes the Body of Christ as revealed to us in John 6.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Paleo Zombies

So, what happened? Not like I dropped of the face of the earth, although I sometimes thought so. I started working as a sub for the school district and got real busy. Just before Spring Break I was hired as the Assistant Boys Track Coach for the Middle School and became the Throwing Coach. I knew nothing of throwing and had 6 short days to learn how to do it. Talk about a miracle short of a shot put! Then summer break started and the boys & I hit the ground running.
Today is a rainy day (In Seattle? Really??) and so I hope to work on my blog a bit more. There is so much that I need to say and get out there. I'll break it down into categories since I'm never short on words, but always short on time!
Once I get the back ground out of the way, we can move forward. My goal is to add recipes. Some made up and others attributed to my favorite Paleo Chefs that I tweaked here and there. I am so into tweaking.
Right now, I need to awaken the Troops. There are paleo pancakes to make and eat!

1 comment:

  1. I'm all about trying some new recipes~ Looking forward to what you post! = ) Btw its Sandi~ hehe
